We got tickets!!! In just a few hours we'll be loading our truck and fretting about our tutu selection! Well, I won't be as I scored a real live tutu from the bins(think goodwill graveyard). It was the best treasure hunting day! The tutu is from a ballet company in Ohio, off-white and gold. With some alterations (thanks mom!) it fits great! I could go on and on about my gold bike and tassels, gold pants, crochet skirts, snake skin prints, top hats, 12 wigs(blonde, blue, pink, long and short) and, and, and... I've definitely spent more time getting my wardrobe and accessories together this year. My friend Tom has joined me and Russ this year in our burning man camp. (No, it's shouldn't be Russ and I in this case) We'll be camping next to some others we've met over the last couple of years. Tom has recently launched a pretty interesting Kickstarted campaign! If you are remotely interested in politics or photography or humanity check it out...