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Showing posts from January, 2017


What a long strange trip it's been and it's only January! I left for Mexico on January 3rd and returned to a snow covered city on January 13th. Two days early. The stone buying was excellent but the time with Julio was very sad and disappointing. I knew in my heart that the amazing trip I had in October should have ended the relationship, on a positive note rather than this ending.  I hope I learned the lesson the universe had for me.  I wish Julio a life filled with  love and peace. However, on the heals of what is the worst trip to Mexico is India!  I leave on February 2nd and will return February 27th. My itinerary will be below with links to the locations.  I will be participating in yoga, meditation, Panchakarma Therapy , Ayurvedic consult, and astrology reading from a 31st generation. I will not have much internet access while I am there. My voicemail will be shut off. You can email, iMessage, or WhatsApp me and when I'm in wifi I will get...