Firstly, I wrote the below about three weeks ago. And stopped myself from sending it. Many times. For the very reason I wrote it. Fear. It’s too personal, people will judge me, people will laugh at me, who am I to write about these things? And other reasons that Fear put in my head and heart. But I’ve been listening to a podcast that has pretty much told me I should send it, for myself and maybe one other person who reads these and needs the encouragement as well. So here ya go! Judge away! :) June 17th 2018- This will be the longest run of time in Portland since I first started these travel updates around 2014 (I think). I’m catching up on household chores, gardening, working a small part time/very temp job, and seeing friends/family. I’ve also started dating. Talk about an adventure! Which brings me to topic of my confession. Fear. I’ve tried, and mostly succeeded, to stop living in fear in my e...