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Showing posts from November, 2018

My New Love

Forgive the delayed by two + weeks delivery.   I stepped out of the metro station in Lisbon and instantly fell in love.  Love at first sight is real.  Portugal, almost, made me forget about Mexico.  Almost.  It’s a good thing Mexico and I are in an open relationship.  The colors, shapes, and sounds of that city revived my sense of curiosity and my inner joy overtook the oppression I had felt in the UK.   The country in general was just amazing, the food and the people.  The friendliest, most helpful people I’ve experienced while traveling.  Or, at the very least they gave the Japanese a good run for their money.  It may have also helped that I started my solo portion of my trip there.  I love everyone I saw, stayed with, and traveled with but I was exhausted! As an introvert I really hadn’t planned in any alone time and my battery was drained.  So being alone in the city to wander on my own was super exciting. ( I’ve been ...