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Showing posts from April, 2020

21 days or 3 weeks?

 Week 1.  I wondered how much weirder things could get as I rinsed my mini-peppers in the washing machine fill steam.  My neighbors may wonder the same thing when they see me cooking on my camp stove on the back patio.  Only time will tell I thought.   I could hear coughing in the other rooms inside the house, from my makeshift studio apartment in my garage, making me cringe but also I was feeling relieved that I chose to move out of the main house.  No one was actually sick in the house, but the anxiety and stress and washing my hands after touching any of the shared things or being in the shared spaces had taken a slight toll on my nerves and my hands. Moving out to socially distance myself from my *roommate seemed like my best bet at a little relief.  After two weeks of using a cooler for my food, and using the toilet in the little RV named **June In the day, and a kitty litter bucket to pee in at night, I finally had a little fridge on the back patio a...