I’ve had a few long dark nights in my life. The last two months have been right up there with my 2005, laying in the hall curled up in a ball crying for hours. That was a rough time, with a lot of loss and change. This has been a different long night. I’m not crying that much. Nothing specific that I’m mourning, nothing specific tragic happened. But winter, and 3 years of very strange uncertainty on all levels, while not taking care of my spiritual and emotional self caught up with me it seems. A little peri menopause and health issues probably haven’t helped much either. There were warning signs it was coming, I tried to ignore them. I hoped it would just be a short bout of winter blues. But then it hit hard and I was beyond empty. I was in an energetic deficit that I could no longer ignore. I needed and still need a recharge of my soul. Something to fill my inner battery. So much in life can drain an empathetic, sympathetic, extre...